Labor Lawyers in Barcelona
Dismissals and Severance Specialists
Labor Lawyer Barcelona
Put your matter in the hands of our labor lawyer Barcelona and trust professionals.
At Heura Advocades we have a team of excellent lawyers specialized in labor law with proven solvency and extensive experience in the matter.
Have you been fired or do you think they will? Are you immersed in an ERE or ERTE? Are you harassed at work? Is the company not paying your salary? Have you had an accident at work?
Whatever your situation we would love to help you and put our knowledge and experience at your disposal.
Request your informative appointment by phone, email or through the contact form. We are located in the center of Barcelona.

Excellent Labor Lawyers in Barcelona
At Heura Advocades we are expert lawyers in all types of dismissals: Disciplinary, objective, unfair, void dismissals,...
EREs and ERTEs
At Heura Advocades we are specialists in collective proceedings for suspension, reduction and termination of employment, ...
Workplace Harassment
At Heura Advocades we are labor lawyers who are experts in lawsuits for workplace harassment and other serious breaches,...
Amount Claims
At Heura Advocades we are specialists in claiming salaries, compensation, bonuses, salary and non-salary supplements,...
At Heura Advocades we are lawyers in Barcelona who are experts in claiming compensation for work accidents, ...
At Heura Advocades we are experts in advising on partial, total and absolute pension, severe disability, retirement pension ...
Your labor lawyer in Barcelona
In Heura Advocades you will find the best advice from a labor lawyer in Barcelona and a close and confidential treatment.
As a labor law firm, we advise both workers and companies. This double perspective gives us important knowledge and gives us a certain advantage when it comes to identifying certain strategies at the negotiation level.
At Heura Advocades we know how to listen and put ourselves in the position of our clients. We guarantee that the lawyer assigned to your matter will personally follow up and provide you with all the legal solutions for your specific case.
Our main territorial scope of action is Barcelona, but as an expert law firm in labor law we provide services in any other territory, either by moving around or through our trusted partner offices.


Have you been fired or do you think they will? Are you looking for a specialized labor lawyer in this area? At Heura Advocades we are expert lawyers in labor law with extensive experience in all types of layoffs.
A dismissal is a unilateral decision of the company by which it dispenses with the services of a worker.
In many cases the dismissal is not only an economic blow but also a moral one.
The company must formalize the dismissal in writing, state the reasons and specify the effective date and notify the worker of a proposed balance and termination.
EREs and ERTEs
Are you immersed in an ERE or ERTE or do you think your company is considering one? Do you need to do an ERE or an ERTE? Contact us and get the best advice from an expert labor lawyer in this field.
An ERE is a collective dismissal file initiated by the company that is contemplated in article 51 ET.
The causes that the company can allege to do an ERE can be economic, technical, organizational, productive or force majeure.
An ERTE is a procedure initiated by the company that is contemplated in article 47 ET for the suspension of contracts or the reduction of working hours.
Reduction of working hours shall be understood to mean the temporary reduction of between 10% and 70% of the working day computed on the basis of a daily, weekly, monthly or annual shift.

Workplace harassment

Are you looking for an employment lawyer specializing in workplace harassment lawsuits? At Heura Advocades we are your best option.
Workplace harassment or mobbing is a type of violence, usually psychological, although it can be physical or sexual, in the workplace, by one or more people in a systematic way towards another or other people.
Workplace harassment can materialize in the following ways:
- The isolation of the worker.
- The accumulation and excesses of tasks.
- The deprivation or lack of tasks, or boreout.
- Disqualification and assignment of functions to undermine the worker.
- The arbitrary and repeated changes of tasks.
- Permanent changes in schedules.
- The deprivation and concealment of information, instruments and documents.
- The yelling, humiliation, coercion, threats, insults and violence against physical or moral integrity and physical or sexual freedom.
- Discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, physical appearance, ideology, etc.
- The lack of protection and safety measures for the worker.
Claims for quantity
Is your company not paying your salary? Contact us and let yourself be advised by an excellent team of experts in labor law.
If your company does not pay you wages, either partially or fully, you can initiate different procedures for claiming wages.
There are two procedures for claiming payment of wages:
- An order for payment process
- An ordinary process.
The following requirements are necessary to start the payment order procedure:
- That the company is not in a bankruptcy situation.
- That the amounts are due, due and of a determined amount, derived from their employment relationship and that they do not exceed 6,000 euros.
The procedure begins with an initial request, providing the employment contract, the updated working life report and the salary sheets.

Contact Form
You can make a first confidential consultation through the following form